Saturday, October 9, 2010

ラブリ ブログーサ エディション 五

(Lovely Blog-Sa 5th ed.)

Chaudie |  Lu | Tini |  Shahana | Fuyume | Alicia | Suzanne |Ayame | Elena | Tilde | Samei | Tommy | Jenni | Anna | Bexie | Jou  | Breezii |Tricia | Minna | Emy

Elena posted a fabulous entry full of great shopping links. I immediately ordered a pair of circle lenses and I am seriously considering a few foxtail key chain thingies, but I have to be frugal for my trip T_T No eBay shopping spree.

Lu's gets congrats from me for dropping weight instead of gaining now that she's at university. Yay for her indeed. She also made a great informational post reviewing multiple online shops!

Jou went to Hyper Japan and posted a great photo-filled entry. I love, love, LOVE her make up and corset. Nice work, chica!

Tilde got a new powder foundation and it looks great. I really think powders work best for most people when it comes to photos. Even if using a liquid, set it with a powder and the results are incredible!

Bexie made a great Gal Curls tutorial. It should be very helpful for a those who aren't curl-masters.

Alicia did a cute nail deco and tried out a thicker eyeliner style. Let her know what you think!

Chaudie changed her header and did a really sweet love love post dedicated to her husband

Fuyume's blog is down (the .net), but it is cached in Google so you should check out the nail art tutorial videos she posted!

Ayame created a group fashion blog and invited me to be a poster. Sweet gal! Check out her post about Pearls of Elegance.

Samei has been posting lots of street snaps, but needs some sort of post-by-post commenting system. (I'm just sayin...)

Tommy got to hang out with some tall, dark and handsome celeb AND she's into fox tail key clippies like moi. 

Jenni has been a busy bee. She's posted a bunch of stuff on her Blogger blog and the one I love most is about her recent shopping trip. Those leggings are cuuuuute!

Annna made a nice summer dress fall-friendly and she also got some beautiful new ballet slippers... but she's another one who doesn't have post-by-post commenting :-p booo Very cute log otherwise! 

Emy did a crazy post full of clothes, nails and make-up images. I <3 Gal Overload!


I left some gals off who just haven't really been posting. Nothing personal, but better luck next time. 

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