Saturday, July 24, 2010

iPhone Bling

I absolutely MUST HAVE this case. It's so insanely cute. I am trying to stick to my budget, so $80 for a cell phone case is kinda unjustifiable. I'm trying to be a responsible adult here, people. It totally speaks to me though. 
It's funny how paying $80 for a hair appointment or clothing so is fine, but not for a cell phone case.

Be that as it may, I'm adding it to my Amazon (Universal) wishlist. This way I (or someone else who loves me -- hint hint, Erik) can buy it later. I have a habit of forgetting websites. 

Am I the only one who loves window shopping online? I love adding stuff to my wishlists. It's a great passtime for when I can't really pay attention to anything else. This is usually because I'm paying attention to Xavier and rolling around on the floor or playing trucks with him. It's all kinds of fun, but I'm happy to window shop when I need a little break. What type of things are on your wishlists?


  1. Window shopping is lovely no matter what form it's in. However, I'm pretty sure you can make that at home yourself for a little bit cheaper.

  2. haha You're totally right. I'm just convinced my artistic skill is too limited to pull it off as nicely.

  3. I WANT THIS! soooo cute!

    follow me too :)



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