Sunday, September 4, 2011

Gyaru Goals

Howdy! I've been feeling like I should re-evaluate my life in all aspects. I've decided to post about my gyaru-relevant aspirations instead of boring you with my work, school, and familial pursuits.
My Top 10 Gyaru Goals:
1. Stop cutting my hair every time I get bored with it.
2. Lose more and more weight until I feel like Xena, and fit into Japanese sizes. 
3. Improve my highlighting and contouring.
4. Be more adventurous by wearing MORE COLOURS.
5. Show off my awesome legs by amassing a stunning collection of stockings, tights, and thigh highs. 
6. Get lash extensions and keep getting them. 
7. Learn to do more 3-D nail art. 
8. Be gyaru and stick with it. Consistency is key to development. 
9. Find a pair of comfortable color contact lenses, but never the enlarged kind. 
10. STICK TO MY BUDGET!!! Irresponsibility is not sexy. 
One bonus goal is to be a little more social with the gyaru community. I'd love to check out others' goals. The other is to successfully complete the Couch to 5k workout plan. I've never been into running for no reason. Running had to be a part of something else: freeze tag, kickball, playing ninja, escaping zombies. You get it. C25k will help me shed pounds, increase stamina/endurance, and build better bone health. The only downside is that I'm clumsy as hell and will probably trip over my feet a million times in the beginning. Ah well. It is what it is. I will start on the treadmill since I have a gym membership. Once I'm more comfortable running while chunky (with onlookers), I'll take to the streets of suburbia. 

So share your goals. Stick to them. Let's motivate ourselves and each other!

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